TriCo Regional Sewer Utility

The official website of TriCo Regional Sewer Utility

Auto Debit Process

You may sign up for auto-debit to have your bill automatically withdrawn from your bank account. The Auto Debit form is available in the link below or you may contact our office and we will mail you the form. Drafting may begin with the current bill or if the bank file has been transmitted, it will begin the following bill cycle. Please include an email address and we will send a confirmation with the date of the first draft. You will continue to receive your statement every month, either by mail or e-mail and it will state that the amount due will be deducted from your checking account on the 20th.

Please click on the link below, and download the form in order to complete it. Once you have completed the form you may print it and mail,  or drop it off in person to our office located at 7236 Mayflower Park Drive Zionsville, IN 46077.

Auto Debit Form 

PLEASE NOTE: If you need to cancel your auto-debit, please contact our office as soon as possible. If the bank file has been transmitted, it may be the following bill cycle for the cancellation to take effect.

Along with auto-debit, you may wish to enroll in the e-bill option.  You can simply check the box on the form marked "both".  With this option, you will no longer receive a mailed paper bill but rather will receive your monthly statements by e-mail. If you have any questions please contact 


Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding this service, please contact .